
Have You Taken Your Position?

Have you taken up that role God has ordained you as part of doing works for the Kingdom of God, or perhaps still in the process of finding?

As children of God the fruit of the Spirit has equipped us in order to be able to fulfil Gods will and enable Gods plan concerning our lives to come to pass.

God knew us before we were formed in our mothers womb and the plans He has for man are for us to be a prosperous nation.
And because God knew you before you had even been born, there is a reason as to why He decided to breathe you into existence this present day, 
He knew your existence would be able to create a move in your generation, He knew you will be able to form an impact that will touch people of your generation,
because God set us apart for a higher purpose, He has given an instruction to man to go out and proclaim the Good News of the Gospel,
And the reason why God has breathed you to existence this present day, is because He knows you are able to break the bondages the enemy has people of the world entwined in.
The enemy has tampered with people of the world in a way that a man doesn't need to be blind in order to have no vision.
Jesus Christ who Is the Light of the World, came to bring us out of darkness, and can ultimately restore the vision of those who haven't even heard of Him,
The enemy has manipulated people of a world in a sense that a man doesn't need to be deaf in order to have lost his hearing,
Because the confusion of the world has convinced them that the God we serve is not real, and these are all means which have been constructed by the enemy in order to bring destruction to the Church
But as God's people, we aren't here to solely convince them into serving God, because our words aren't as authoritative as God's own Word
The Word of God is Living and Active, so when we preach to people the Word of God the Holy Spirit will take absolute control.

God wants to restore that relationship with people who are victim of the enemy's deception, confusion, lies, manipulation, grief, depression and the list continues
But when we look back to the fall of man, and when sin brought separation between man and God, there needed to be a means whereby God can show man the way and bring upon salvation.
But In order for God to appear to man, He had to become man
And through Jesus Christ He has brought us an indefinable and incorruptible means to salvation. 
Now that God has left us the Holy Spirit it is our turn to do our part.
God cannot reveal Himself to people that have not accepted Him, therefore the means to someone else being able to receive Christ is though the Church
And what we are as Christians is to be that frontline, we have been equipped with the Holy Spirit who will captivate those we evangelise to, we just need to take our position.

Some people are afraid to be on the frontline because they feel that they need to get to a certain spiritual level before they can help someone else.
We have that help ourselves first before others mentality.
Some people feel as though their role to play in the Kingdom of God isn't as significant of a role a pastor plays,
Or we feel as though we're not ready to be elevated to a certain level and we let others get put forward,
An example being people may think that cleaning up after service isn't good enough to elevate us to where we ought to be in Christ, so either we don't do it or when the moment comes of elevation we let it pass because that's what we are doing and we don't feel ready.
We need to diminish the kind of mentality that only a type of person or someone at this kind of level is only able to be elevated.
Because when the prophet Samuel came to look for the new king,
and all the brothers but one were ready, standing at the frontline
Samuel asked if he had another son which was David that was ploughing in the field, excluded from this ceremony the entire city was aware of
Now if we put ourselves in David's shoes at this time, all his brothers and father were at this ceremony and he was left alone ploughing at the field
we'd probably be feeling lonely, unimportant,
but here Samuel tells us that young David, whatsoever his circumstances is going to be King

We don't realise our moment of anointing, our moment of God manifesting His glory in our lives can come at any given time.
No matter what role you play in the body, whatever our circumstances we need to be ready to be used by God, we have to be at the frontline expecting that move of God in your life, because everyone in the body of the Church has their own individual function and you will be needed soon.

In our process of waiting we need to build ourselves up with courage and boldness.
God isn't going to wait on us, because if He finds you asleep at the time He is ready to anoint you, He can give that anointing to someone else who is ready at the frontline, waiting on Him.

So are you going to stand affirm on the frontline, building yourself up by speaking the Word of God, at the same time we are firming someone else's foundation in Christ? 
Or are you going to stay asleep, and let the anointing pass you by.

The front line is the line of military who are positioned closest to the enemy. 
Jesus Christ has already overcome death, sin, and the enemy, so when we stand with Christ we will overcome because we are more than conquerors.

God Bless You,
Melissa-Ann Rose

And He said to this tsm, Go and e - Mark 16:15 (NKJV) 
For as we have many members in one body, 
but all the members do not have the same function, 
so we, being many, are one body in Christ, 
 and individually members of one another. - Romans 12:4-5 (NKJV)